Research Interests – Crypto Currencies:
- All topics in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Darkcoin etc.
- How to speed up the hashing process with SHA256.
- How to steal bitcoins with SHA256+secp256k1+BIP032 etc.
- The Longest Chain Rule and programmed self-destruction of crypto currencies.
- Hash rate vs. security.
- 51% attacks and Double Spending attacks.
- Monetary policy.
- Regulation, backdoors, dark side of open source software.
Research Interests – Cryptology:
- Computational cryptanalysis of symmetric and asymmetric ciphers.
- Algebraic Attacks: recover the secret key of a cipher by solving a very large
system of multivariate equations over small finite fields.- Special properties that make systems efficiently solvable (e.g. sparsity).
- Conversion and solving algebraic equations with SAT solvers.
- Computing Gröbner bases and designing simpler and frequently much
better/faster algorithms: Gröbner basis require a fixed polynomial ordering. In
many real-life cryptanalysis problems this is a VERY bad idea
and better results are obtained with ad-hoc elimination
algorithms which optimize sparsity such as ElimLin
(and its practical implementations which take care of sparsity).
- Design and feasability of algebraic attacks: for example some stream ciphers
will be broken if a certain multivariate polynomial equation exists (sometimes
finding one such equation is sufficient to break the cipher!). Cryptanalysis of
some block ciphers greatly depends on whether they can be written in a certain
way.- Define what kind of equations are useful/interesting. Find out if such
equations exist, prove they exist (or not), compute these equations. - Can AES be broken?
- Define what kind of equations are useful/interesting. Find out if such
- Experimental algebraic cryptanalysis.
- Automation of symmetric cryptanalysis. Finding special properties of ciphers.
- Implementation of algebraic attacks. Manipulating very large systems of
multivariate equations. Fast linear algebra, in particular when RAM is scarce.
Specialised memory management, parallel computing, use of specialised hardware.
- Number theory and lattices.
- Side channel attacks on smart cards.
- Russian and Soviet cryptography.
- Algebraic Attacks: recover the secret key of a cipher by solving a very large
- Post-quantum cryptography and very efficient public key schemes for special
needs:- Very short digital signatures (that can be transmitted or and verified with
human interaction). Unforgeability and third-party verifiable authenticity of
paper documents (bank notes, cheques, ID cards, electronic airline tickets,
etc.). - Very fast digital signatures (much faster than RSA) for low-cost devices.
- Very short digital signatures (that can be transmitted or and verified with
Research Interests – Information Security:
- Computer Security
- All topics! I used to teach Computer Security at UCL: here are my slides.
- I have always insisted that computer security is obtained by combination of hardware and software.
- Markets and Information Security:
- Security in complex commercial systems. For example electronic bank cards +
terminals + back-end applications + supporting infrastructure+ user
adoption + usability + legal and regulatory drivers + economics + fraud + crime
science + moral and ethical considerations. Compliance. - Smart cards and smart card protocols.
- Proprietary cryptography.
- Crypto currencies.
- Economics of security, prices, bets and future markets in information security.
- Risk management. Fraud in financial markets and financial institutions.
Data security and compliance in financial institutions.
- Security in complex commercial systems. For example electronic bank cards +
Dear Dr. Nicolas T. Courtois
Dear Dr.Nicolas can i ask you if you can supervise me in my PhD research, because i have a full scholarship from the higher committee for education development (HCED),under the auspices of the office of the prime minister of Iraq.
i am interested in cryptography and you have wide experience in this subjects,i have a research proposal but i am ready to accept any ideas or research from you.
Please Dr. Nicolas, i hope that you accept to supervise me.
Best Regards
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