Here are some labs and lecture notes run by Dr Nicolas Courtois at UCL in 2010-2020 as part of various modules UCL GA18 Cryptanalysis:, COMP 0058 AppliedCryptogrpahy, F2F SAGE Maths Refesher etc. The most recent teaching materials appear first.
- Most recent labs from 2020:
- LabF0 on installing SAGE, modular arithmetic and groups.
- Some lecture notes for UCL GA18 Cryptanalysis:
- Intro slides about, algebra finite fields and elliptic curves: groups and ECCs with exercises.
- [optional] algebra for cryptographers old basic intro slides.
- Intro slides to Number Theory by Christophe Petit in 2015-2016.
- Excellent slides about factoring and discrete log cryptanalysis by Christophe Petit in 2015-16.
- More recent 2019 UCL COMP0058 Applied Crypto and Cryptanalysis SAGE labs by Nicolas Courtois et al:
- Lab00 on installing SAGE modular arithmetic and Finite Fields.
- Lab01 and more Finite Fields and arithmetic.
- Lab02 on polynomials, extension fields, and polynomial rings.
- Lab03 on Bézout, modular inverses and Fermat factoring.
- Lab04 on PK crypto, SCA on RSA, Rabin.
- Lab05 on Elliptic Curves intro.
- Lab06 on Elliptic Curves and Isogenies.
- Lab07 on Lagrange Interpolation, EC Diffie-Hellman and Elliptic Curve Factoring algorithm.
- Old Lab3 on DL Attacks.
- Old Lab4 on Lab 4 – LLL and Knapsacks.
- Old Lab5 on Lab 5 – Index Calculus.
- Old Lab7 on Coppersmith DL Attack.
- Old Lab8 on Hidden Field Equations (HFE).
- Old 2017 or so GA18 Number Theory tutorials done UCL in Jan-March 2018 by Nicolas Courtois Jonathan Bootle and Peter Spacek:
- Lab0 on installing sage and basic modular arithmetic.
- Lab1 on Introduction to SAGE Euclid and primality.
- Lab2 on Algorithmic Number Theory and Fermat.
- Lab3 on DL Attacks.
- Lab4 on Lab 4 – LLL and Knapsacks.
- Lab5 on Lab 5 – Index Calculus and SCA Attacks on RSA.
- Lab6 on Elliptic Curves and Factoring.
- Here is our tutorial on SNSF from 2017.
- Lab7 on Coppersmith DL Attack.
- Lab8 on Hidden Field Equations (HFE).
- Our tutorial on TwoFace public key cryptosystems.
- All in one file 2018 versions can be found here.
- Even older 2017 versions are here.
- Old 2016 tutorial on Index Calculus by Mary Maller questions/ answers.